2018 impact factor: 0,362


Two-year RSCI impact factor

Five-year RSCI impact factor

Schedule of submission of papers to be published in the journal

No. 1

No. 2

Submission of papers


Submission of papers


January – March


April – June


No. 3

No. 4

Submission of papers


Submission of papers


July – September


October – December



Paper submission requirements

To publish a paper in the journal, it is required to submit the following materials:

The authors submitted papers to be published will receive one copy of the journal for a team of authors submitted the paper.

The editorial staff does not return materials submitted to the journal.

Papers shall be prepared in MS Office Word 2007 according to the following requirements:

  • page format – A4 (210 x 297 mm), margins: left, right and top - 18 mm, bottom - 20 mm; page numbering – center bottom,

  • main text font – Arial, size: 12 pt,

  • line spacing – single,

  • indentation of every paragraph (indented line) – 5 characters (approximately 10 mm),

  • formulae shall be typed in the text, handwritten formulae are prohibited; basic font size in formulae – 12 pt,

  • it is allowed to insert horizontal pages separately from vertical ones; they should be also in A4 format too,

  • figures should be inserted into the text,

  • tables, figures, headings should not be broken, when transferring from a page to the next page,

  • the paper should specify UDC, authors, title, abstract, key words, text, references, and information about authors. A paper for reference is given in Annex 1.

  • Abstract (150-250 words) is typed in italics (the abstract should be logically constructed).

  • Keywords (5-15 basic terms) is typed in italics.

  • References should be in compliance with requirements (an example of references is given in Annex 2).

  • Information about authors should include full name, position and place of employment, academic degree, rank, contact phone number, e-mail and postal addresses.

  • At the end of the paper authors add in English surnames and initials of the authors, title of the paper, abstract, key words, information about authors, references. The authors of the paper are responsible for the quality of translation. It is not allowed to use translation software.

The editorial staff reserves the right to correct orthographic mistakes without the authors’ approval.

Annex 1

A paper for reference

UDC 621.746.5.047

Stolyarov A. M., Shevchenko E. A.


Abstract: 150-250 words

Keywords: 5-15 basic terms

Text of the paper


Information about authors:

Annex 2

An example of references

In English: Authors (to be transliterated). Title of the paper should be in English. Name of the journal should be in italics (to be transliterated) [Name of the journal in English (if any)]. Imprint in English or digital data.

  1. Moshkunov V.V., Stolyarov A.M., Kazakov A.S. Determination of the length to point of solidification in strands of Peritectic Low Alloyed steels for pipes with using “Mini whale” effect. Vestnik Magnitogorskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. G.I.Nosova [Vestnik of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University]. 2012, no. 1(37), pp. 24-26.

Person in charge of journal publishing: N.Sh. Tyuteryakov, PhD (Eng.)

If you have any questions, please call us: +7 (3519) 29 85 18, +7 904 941 07 10, or email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.